The Property Appraiser’s Office will be closed Monday, November 11th in observance of Veteran's Day.

Parcel Report by Subdivision

The parcel report by subdivision provides a list of properties by subdivision. Type the name of the subdivision you wish to search for, as you type matching subdivision names will be displayed. You may choose one of these to search on, or continue to type for a free form text search. Click the view report button to display the report values.

Clicking on the STRAP link within the report will take you to the parcel display page. Clicking on the Official Record Number link will take you to the Lee County Clerk Courts document associated with the most recent sale.

The information on these reports is up to date as of the date on the report itself. The data may be 4-6 weeks behind because of the time between the filing date at the Clerk Of Courts and when it is keyed at the Property Appraiser's office.

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